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We Want You to Smile Again - With Confidence!

If you have a smile that exposes too much of your gums, you know just how self-conscious that can leave you. You may be hesitant to smile while in public, or you may cover your mouth at times because you don't want people to notice the condition of your mouth. Even if you have great teeth and healthy gums, it's bound to leave you feeling a bit socially aware.

Dayton Periodontist Dayton Periodontist

In the perfect smile, the upper lip sits just above the top of the teeth. However, a "gummy smile" exposes a larger than average amount of gum tissue when smiling and has a noticeably disproportionate gum-to-tooth ratio.

There are many causes of gummy smile. These include high lip line, orthodontic treatment, and overgrown gums.

Lip repositioning is a surgical procedure that restricts the top lip to lessen the amount of exposed gum tissue. Afterwards your teeth are framed by your lips, liminating the exposure of your gums. Lip repositioning to eliminate a gummy smile can increase your smile attractiveness and rekindle your confidence. View our before and after photos to see the smile-changing effects of this procedure.

Cures for a Gummy Smile

There are a couple of ways to fix a gummy smile and it all depends on your unique situation.

One such method we want to look at right now is known as lip travel reduction or hypermobile lip surgery. No, this doesn't involve removing your lips and placing them elsewhere. Instead, this is a surgical option for dealing with those gummy smiles that may be quite effective. If you upper lip shows too much gum, then lip positioning may be ideal for you. The surgery involves adjusting the juncture inside the mouth where the gums meets the inside of the upper lip. This surgery is safe, effective, and is free from major discomfort. The best candidates for lip repositioning surgery are people in good health who have healthy mouths, meaning good gums and no major dental problems that may make lip repositioning difficult or ill advised.

Another technique to fix a gummy smile is called a esthetic crown lengthening. This technique is used when your teeth are small and making them larger would be appropriate. Often, people have the white enamel under all the extra gum tissue and do not need veneers or crowns when the crown lengthening is finished. Some people do not have white enamel hiding under the gum tissue, and will need veneers or crowns after the crown lengthening. We can measure and let you know whether you will need veneers or crowns, or if the crown lengthening alone will take care of your gummy smile.